Paula’s book has been published in three different languages: Dutch, Polish, and English. The Dutch version was corrected by her son-in-law Leo. The Polish version was translated by Paula herself and edited by Magda Prokopowicz. The English version was translated by Joy Blog.
Below you can find the details of the different versions and links to bookstores where you can buy the books, if available.
Dutch version
Pijn die blijft: Herinneringen aan mijn leven in Polen, Uitgeverij Balans, 2001 (out of print).
Note: You can check the availability at second-hand bookshops like and
Polish version
Pozostał Ból: Wspomnienia o moim życiu w Polsce, Jewish Historical Institute, 2007 (availability unknown).
English version
Lasting Pain: Memories Memories of my life in Poland, Amazon CreateSpace, 2014.
Note: The English translation is also available at and
“I wish to express my deepest gratitude to the above mentioned persons for their editing and translation work. I am sure that without their efforts this book would never had the great quality as it has now. In this respect, I am also indebted to professor dr. André Gerrits for reading of and commenting on the original manuscript.
Arno Vyth, thank you for your noble and kind advise and efforts to get the English translation ‘organized’ and published. Joy Blog, thank you so much for your vivid and lucid English translation, you are such a good-hearted person!
It was thanks to Robert Bosscher (nicknamed Lex Bakker in my book), at that time law student at Groningen University, who together with his parents helped us to come to Holland and took care of us to pass through those difficult first months in our new homeland. Dear Rob, we will never forget you and you will be forever in our hearts, rest in peace.
Finally, I want to thank emeritus professor dr. Jürgen Hess who stimulated me to write the book about my life. Dear Jürgen, you and your wife Helena encouraged me to hold on and not to give up in spite of some hard episodes during the writing process. Without you this book might never have been written at all.”
Paula Gruber, April, 2014